Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to (possibly) fix your camera

It's not always possible to fix your camera on location, but here are some tricks you can try.

Canon dSLR
ERR 99

This error can mean several things, but usually it indicates a problem with the connection between the camera and the lens.
Try cleaning the contact points inside the camera and on the lens with a rubber band, and it might help.
Check out this site for more information on the ERR 99:
If this doesn't help, you need have it checked at a service location and it's usually covered by warranty.

Nikon dSLR
F-- error

This error is similar to Canon's ERR 99, and indicates an error with the connection between camera and lens. The error can be in the body, on the lens or with both. If cleaning with a rubber band doesn't help, you need to get it checked at a service location. Ususally covered by warranty.

dSLR's using Compact Flash cards
The card slot on your camera has several copper pins in the bottom. If these get bent, the camera can't read from, or write to, the card.
There's not much you can do actually. You can try to straighten the bent pins, but it's not easy. The camera needs a visit to the doctor, where they'll replace the card-reader and possibly the PCB. If you're lucky it's covered by warranty, but since the damage occured when you put in a memory card, it's not always a warranty-case.

Comapct camera (and dSLR's)
Broken LCD

So you dropped your camera, did you? Too bad man. This is never a warranty-case, and unless you have a high-end compact camera, or a dSLR, it will probably be cheaper to buy a new camera. The LCD is easy to break, and expensive to fix.

Water damage, dropping it, etc.
Again, it's only the high-end cameras that are worth repairing. And don't even think about trying the "Uh.. No, I haven't dropped my camera in a pitcher of beer". They'll find out, and you'll end up with having to pay for shipping&handling for a camera that won't be fixed.

"My camera just stopped working"
Please make sure the battery is charged. I've had more than one customer that just needed to have the battery charged. We'll charge it for you, and then make fun of you once you leave.

Must-have items in your camera bag

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